Um espaço para reinventar Portugal como nação de todo o Mundo, que estabeleça pontes, mediações e diálogos entre todos os povos, culturas e civilizações e promova os valores mais universalistas, conforme o símbolo da Esfera Armilar. Há que visar o melhor possível para todos, uma cultura da paz, da compreensão e da fraternidade à escala planetária, orientada não só para o bem da espécie humana, mas também para a preservação da natureza e o bem-estar de todas as formas de vida sencientes.

"Nós, Portugal, o poder ser"

- Fernando Pessoa, Mensagem.

Outro modelo de escola - Sudbury Valley Scholl

At Sudbury Valley School, students from preschool through high school age explore the world freely, at their own pace and in their own unique ways. They learn to think for themselves, and learn to use Information Age tools to unearth the knowledge they need from multiple sources. They develop the ability to make clear logical arguments, and deal with complex ethical issues. Through self-initiated activities, they pick up the basics; as they direct their lives, they take responsibility for outcomes, set priorities, allocate resources, and work with others in a vibrant community.

Trust and respect are the keys to the school’s success. Students enjoy total intellectual freedom, and unfettered interaction with other students and adults. Through being responsible for themselves and for the school’s operation, they gain the internal resources needed to lead effective lives.

Independence Involvement Learning Confidence


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Outro modelo de escola - Sudbury Valley Scholl

At Sudbury Valley School, students from preschool through high school age explore the world freely, at their own pace and in their own unique ways. They learn to think for themselves, and learn to use Information Age tools to unearth the knowledge they need from multiple sources. They develop the ability to make clear logical arguments, and deal with complex ethical issues. Through self-initiated activities, they pick up the basics; as they direct their lives, they take responsibility for outcomes, set priorities, allocate resources, and work with others in a vibrant community.

Trust and respect are the keys to the school’s success. Students enjoy total intellectual freedom, and unfettered interaction with other students and adults. Through being responsible for themselves and for the school’s operation, they gain the internal resources needed to lead effective lives.

Independence Involvement Learning Confidence


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