Um espaço para reinventar Portugal como nação de todo o Mundo, que estabeleça pontes, mediações e diálogos entre todos os povos, culturas e civilizações e promova os valores mais universalistas, conforme o símbolo da Esfera Armilar. Há que visar o melhor possível para todos, uma cultura da paz, da compreensão e da fraternidade à escala planetária, orientada não só para o bem da espécie humana, mas também para a preservação da natureza e o bem-estar de todas as formas de vida sencientes.

"Nós, Portugal, o poder ser"

- Fernando Pessoa, Mensagem.

"[...] os portugueses típicos nunca são portugueses"; "Nenhum povo se despersonaliza de modo tão magnificente"

"The Portuguese Sensationists are original and interesting because, being strictly Portuguese, they are cosmopolitan and universal. The Portuguese temperament is universal: that is its magnificent superiority. The one great act of Portuguese history - that long, cautious, scientific period of the Discoveries - is the one great cosmopolitan act in history. The whole people stamp themselves there. An original, typically Portuguese literature cannot be Portuguese, because the typical Portuguese are never Portuguese. There is something American, with the noise left out and the quotidian omitted, in the intellecrtual temper of this people. No people seizes so readily on novelties. No people depersonalises so magnificently. That weakness is its great strength. That temperamental nonregionalism is its unused might. That indefiniteness of soul is what makes them definite"

- Fernando Pessoa, in Sensacionismo e outros ismos, edição de Jerónimo Pizarro, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, 2009, pp.218-219.

Palavras a ponderar, depurativas do provincianismo identitário, ainda que não plenamente livres dele...

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"[...] os portugueses típicos nunca são portugueses"; "Nenhum povo se despersonaliza de modo tão magnificente"

"The Portuguese Sensationists are original and interesting because, being strictly Portuguese, they are cosmopolitan and universal. The Portuguese temperament is universal: that is its magnificent superiority. The one great act of Portuguese history - that long, cautious, scientific period of the Discoveries - is the one great cosmopolitan act in history. The whole people stamp themselves there. An original, typically Portuguese literature cannot be Portuguese, because the typical Portuguese are never Portuguese. There is something American, with the noise left out and the quotidian omitted, in the intellecrtual temper of this people. No people seizes so readily on novelties. No people depersonalises so magnificently. That weakness is its great strength. That temperamental nonregionalism is its unused might. That indefiniteness of soul is what makes them definite"

- Fernando Pessoa, in Sensacionismo e outros ismos, edição de Jerónimo Pizarro, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda, 2009, pp.218-219.

Palavras a ponderar, depurativas do provincianismo identitário, ainda que não plenamente livres dele...

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